Birchfield Primary School

Birchfield Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7HU


How will school support my child's learning?

Class Teachers are responsible for planning appropriately differentiated work for children with a special educational need. Where the need is additional to or different from what would normally be available in class, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be written with the assistance of the SENDCo. This will detail the specific needs, objectives and expected outcomes for the child.
Some children will need additional support in order to achieve the objectives and outcomes. Within the IEP, the amount and regularity of additional adult support will be detailed. This maybe through one to one or small group support from a Teaching Assistant, input from the Speech and Language Therapist or through a specific intervention.
The Class Teacher will regularly update Parents about their child’s progress through termly IEP Reviews, Parent/Teacher Interviews, informal meetings and conversations and through an end of year, detailed report.
If a child has a Statement or Education, Health and Care Plan, the SENDCo will meet with parents for an annual review, as well as updating and meeting parents regularly throughout the year.