Birchfield Primary School

Birchfield Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7HU


Online Safety

e-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Birchfield Primary School . We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any e-Safety incidents are recorded and managed.  e-Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the e-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


If parents have any concerns about anything their child is doing or experiencing on the internet, please do contact us. 

The 4 C’s of Online Safety

A key part to our online safety strategy is understanding and acknowledging the 4 C’ of online safety. 

The 4 C’s

Contact: Experiencing or being targeted by harmful adult contact (messages from strangers on social media or games).

Content: Engaging with or being exposed to potentially harmful content (websites, videos, images that are not age appropriate).

Conduct: Witnesses or participates in posting/sharing/messaging people in an inappropriate or harmful way

Contract: agreeing to a terms of service and being unaware of the risks to privacy, data, safety breaches (installing a new app, logging onto sites and inputting information)

Birchfield Primary's Online Safety Policy - PLEASE CLICK HERE

GOV.UK Internet Safety Guidance 

During lockdown, our children are engaging in more online activities. It is important parents and carers know how to protect their children. Advice and guidance to help keep children safe online during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is on the following link Coronavirus (COVID-19): keeping children safe online - GOV.UK ( 


We have to continue to educate children about the dangers they may face online. To support schools in this work, the Department for Education (DfE), in collaboration with partners in the UK Council for Internet Safety Education subgroup and the Samaritans, has developed advice for schools and colleges to support their approach to harmful online challenges and online hoaxes.

Online Safety Newsletters

Parental control guides


Internet Safety

The internet can be a wonderful thing for children. It allows them to play games, watch films trailers, talk to people all over the world and watch many, many videos.

But just like in our everyday, offline life, our pupils may come across people who are rude and unpleasant. Some people use the internet to commit crimes and be unkind each other. At Birchfield Primary School, we believe that teaching children about internet safety is vitally important and we ensure this is brought into many areas of our curriculum. Pupils are taught how to use the internet safely, and how to deal with people who behave badly there.

There's no need to be scared. If we encourage pupils to take a few precautions and approach the internet with caution a well as curiosity, it can be an incredible playground for their brain! 

National Online Safety App

Our children are spending more time than ever online. As adults, we need to do everything we can to keep them safe in the digital world. But with new apps, games and platforms emerging every day, how can you stay in the know?
The new National Online Safety mobile application. Created by experts, developed by us. With all online safety knowledge available at your fingertips, the NOS app empowers parents and teachers to understand and address online safeguarding risks – any time, anywhere.
The world’s most comprehensive online safety app, it’s packed with insightful courses, explainer videos, webinars and guides on topics that will help you protect the kids you care about when they’re online.


We have encouraged all our parents to download the National Online Safety app to keep their children safe. 
It's time to get #OnlineSafetySavvy.


Look for the logo below on your App store. 

Report Abuse Online - CEOP


Online abuse affects many children and young people every day, CEOP has helped thousands of people in need of support. Make a report If you have been a victim of sexual online abuse or if you feel uncomfortable in any way online. 

Click here to make a report CEOP Safety Centre


YouTube is an App accessed by many of our pupils. It is important to keep your child safe whilst streaming videos. There is a vast amount of content on YouTube, this is why the Age Restriction is 13+ as you will see below. The guide advises how you can add parental controls, there is also an option to download YouTube Kids on your child's device as an alternative. 

Squid Game

Click on the image below for further information about the trending of Squid Game online and how to keep your children safe. 


So many children are now using the social networking app TikTok and we have come to realise that many parents do not know that the age restriction is 12+

It is estimated that this site has over one billion users. A scary thought at just how many people all over the world could be viewing your child's videos. If they are using this app, please click the link here for safety tips, advice and information.  

Further guides from the National Online Safety website can be found below. 

Are you PREVENT aware? 

Click here to read an informative guide for parents from Sandwell Council on Online Safety and Extremism Awareness.

Leeds Prevent have produced a helpful guide for parents on online safety and how to protect their children from online exploitation; this also includes references to the Act Early – Prevent radicalisation website.  Please see attached leaflet below.

As many young people are currently at home due to lockdown restrictions, the risk of online exploitation increases. We have seen evidence of this nationally following the previous lockdown periods.  The guide supports parents with understanding the signs of exploitation and ways on how to keep their children safe online.  This guide also provides information on where to seek help and advice.


Two new animated 2-minute explainer films about Prevent have now been added to the ACT Early website and our partners’ toolkit. You can find them on the website here:

The films are aimed at a general public, concerned friends and family audience, and provide an introduction to Prevent and to the work of Prevent officers. By improving understanding of Prevent and explaining the way we work with partners, we hope more people will be encouraged and assured to seek help at an earlier stage where appropriate.

NSPCC Online Safety Support

It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, we can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.


Click the link below for support from the NSPCC


Online safety | NSPCC


For advice over the phone, call: 0808 800 5002