Birchfield Primary School

Birchfield Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7HU


Friends of Birchfield Schools (FOBS) is a Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA). Our purpose is to enhance, enrich and improve the learning experiences of all pupils by:

  1. Raising funds or other resources for school
  2. Holding events and other activities to build the school community
  3. Enhancing communication between families and school


FOBS is a registered charity and all committee members are volunteers. We meet as a committee around 4 times a year and we run fundraising events throughout the year aiming for at least one event each half-term

Chairperson: Adam Jones

Treasurer: Jill Pegden

Secretary: Kathryn Stephenson

Committee members: Thelma Goddard, Sam Hirst, Kevin Nesbitt, Amy Robinson, Michaela Walker 

How to support your school

  • “Like” / follow our social media (
  • Sign up to Amazon smile and Easy fundraising
  • Support events:
    • We ask parents for donations of items for raffles etc
    • Buy the raffle tickets to win prizes!
    • Buy the merchandise your child designs (Christmas cards etc)
    • Attend events and join in the fun!
  • Volunteer to help at events
  • Join the committee!

Current fundraiser plans

Supporting the purchase and installation of a Trim Trail and improved play areas

Updating library 

Improving Science Equipment

Recent events

Halloween Disco

Christmas Fayre

Santa visits and presents for all children

Whole School Pantomime

Contribution to new Trim Trails

Contribution to new books for classrooms and library

New shed for the playground

Valentines Disco