Child Protection Team at Birchfield Primary
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms Lizzie Bratby(Deputy Head)
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Michaela Walker (Assistant Head)
Other members of the team are Mrs Samantha Hirst (Headteacher), Mrs Sian Threlfall (EYFS Lead), Mrs Gillian McMullen (Buddies Manager) and Mrs Hannah Wilkie (SENDCo).
The Governor with Safeguarding responsibility is Lucy Kavanagh.
These members of staff are fully trained and will follow up on all issues that are brought to them in a timely fashion and in accordance with the child protection policy. They are trained to listen carefully and consider the best course of action based on the information they have. The team ensure that the staff have all of the training and support they need to ensure that safeguarding is a priority in the classroom and beyond. They also link to outside agencies who they can call upon to help and support.
Click here to read the Child Protection Policy
Other Adults in School
All adults who come in to contact with children in our school are responsible for safeguarding them. All of our staff are trained each year in line with the Keeping Children Safe in Education document.
Further information about safeguarding children in Leeds can be found on the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership website:
Online Safety
Online safety has never been more important. Understanding the different risks at different ages means that staff, parents and pupils need to stay up to date with their knowledge of online safety. See our Computing Page for further support and information around online safety.
Safeguarding Information for Children
If someone is hurting you, doing things to you against your will or being mean to you, tell someone: your parents, your friends, trusted teachers or other staff at school. You should also speak to us if you are worried about someone else – a child or an adult.
At Birchfield, the staff with special training to help you to be safe are: Mrs Threlfall, Miss Walker, Ms Bratby, Mrs Hirst and Mrs Wilkie. You don’t have to speak to those members of staff; any adult in school should be able to help you.
There is 'Child' friendly' document available in school for children to access and read called 'Staying Safe at Birchfield Primary School'.
If you don’t wish to speak to someone in school, you have other choices - click on the link below:

If you are being bullied online, or if you have any concerns about things on the internet, speak to a trusted adult, call the police or use this link:

Remove Nude Images
The NSPCC have introduced a new Report Remove tool whereby children, young people and adults can report nude images of them that are circulating social media and ensure they are taken down.
The tool can be accessed here.
Other useful links:
Report Abuse in Education helpline
Young people and adults can call 0800 136 663 or email
New helpline will also offer support and guidance to adults and professionals working with children in education
The Department for Education has commissioned the NSPCC to launch a new helpline called Report Abuse in Education. The helpline comes after numerous anonymised testimonials of sexual harassment and abuse in schools and colleges were shared to the Everyone’s Invited website this week.
The newly launched helpline will provide support to:
- children and young people who want to share current and non-recent experiences of sexual abuse and harassment
- children and young people who want to talk about being involved in or witnessing any incidents
- anyone who works or volunteers in a school setting and needs support and guidance
- adults who have experienced non-recent abuse
- parents and carers who are concerned about their own child or other children.